Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nature Vs. Nurture In Frankenstein By Mary Shelleys...

Nature versus nurture has been a popular topic of discussion among psychologists, scientists, educators, and parents. The main focus of the nature versus nurture debate is how it affects human behavior and development. The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley emphasises the idea that parents and families have a powerful influence on human behavior, which is demonstrated in the relationship between Creature and Victor. â€Å"Folding Beijing† written by Hao Jingfang takes a different perspective on the idea. Through her story she highlights the idea that economic forces shape who we are. Based on information from both Frankenstein and â€Å"Folding Beijing†, Mary Shelley’s novel demonstrates the more influential and powerful force of human behavior to†¦show more content†¦His relationship with his father influenced his behaviors later in the novel when Victor is given the chance to guide someone else in a foreign world, he choose to let them have a ‘ch ild’s blindness’ since he only knows how to guide himself. Mary Shelley continues the emphasis on parental influence between Victor and Creature to show how important a parental figure has on human behavior. The key difference between the relationships is Creature lacked any form of parenting. Creature learned and developed his behavior on his own by watching others and reading classical literature. By reading these books he begins to question his creation and notice differences between himself and others. â€Å"My person was hideous and my stature gigantic. What did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come? What was my destination? These questions continually recurred, but I was unable to solve them† (citation). Creature is reflecting on who he and how he came to be in this world. This being said, he is also aware of the fact that he was created by someone else and lives in a world where he does not belong. Creature was sent into a world that he did not understand, he had a ‘child’s blindness’ which is similar to the relationship between Victor and his father. Not only did Victor’s relationship with his father affect his life, but it also affected the life of Creature. The lack of parental guidance inShow MoreRelatedNature vs. Nurture in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1247 Words   |  5 Pagesdevelopment, and deeds. As crucial as canvas in art, the philosophy of nature and nurture come together as the fundamental structure to one’s personality and genetic makeup. In the novella, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the association of the exterior appearance and inner feelings are openly linked. The hideous creature that the science addict, Victor Frankenstein, makes is initially innocent yet severely deformed. His nature is to be benevolent and sympathetic, however, society only views his externalRead MoreEssay on Nature vs Nurture in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein2036 Words   |  9 Pagesthe re sult of nature or nurture. In the writings of Thomas Hobbes, it is expressed that humans are endowed with character from birth, and that they are innately evil in nature. John Locke’s response to this theory is that everyone is born with a tabula rasa, or blank slate, and then develops character after a series of formative experiences. The idea that true character is the result of experiences and societal interaction is a theme deeply explored throughout Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Through differentRead MoreTexts in Time Frankenstein and Bladerunner : )1400 Words   |  6 PagesModule A: Texts in Context â€Å"Mary Shelley’s values are still relevant to society today†. 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