Monday, January 6, 2020

Outline and Evaluate Two or More Biological Explanations...

There are two main biological theories which explain the assumed causes of schizophrenia: Genetic and Dopamine Hypothesis. Research by Mikaywa et al has found that there must be a genetic explanation of schizophrenia due to the fact that concordance rates for environmental causes are not 100%. Also Mikaywa noticed that schizophrenia runs in the family, meaning there must be something other than environmental causes, causing the disorder. What Mikaywa studied was DNA from human families who were affected by schizophrenia and found that those with the disorder are more likely to have the defective gene: PPP3CC. The PPP3CC gene regulates the immune system, and therefore is an important gene in terms of genetic vulnerabilities which may be†¦show more content†¦In support of this Kendler et al found that first degree relatives of those with schizophrenia are at 18 times more risk than the general population. Research has also found that schizophrenia symptoms may have a genetic component. This was suggested by Malaspina, who found that patients who have schizophrenia in their family histories are mor e likely to develop negative symptoms than those families who are schizophrenia free. In evaluation of family studies it may be concluded that they are not very reliable as they are retrospective. The studies for family studies where taken place when diagnosis was under a more liberal use of the term schizophrenia. Twin studies have also shown a genetic pre-disposition. Gottesman found 48% risk of schizophrenia in MZ twins compared to only 17% in DZ twins. Similar to the Gottesman study two other studies showed higher concordance rates for MZ twins and lower in DZ twins however each had slightly different results. McGuffin et al argues this is because of the use of different diagnostic criteria, which may affect the validity of the results. On the other hand the researchers used blind techniques to obtain the results eliminating any researcher bias. Both family and twin studies face the problem of ignoring environmental impacts. In family studies, genetically similar members of the same family tend to spend more time together, thereforeShow MoreRelatedOutline and Evaluate One or More Biological Explanations to Schizophrenia1149 Words   |  5 PagesOutline and evaluate one or more biological explanations of schizophrenia (8 marks AO1/16 marks AO1) Schizophrenia is classified as a mental disorder that shows profound disruption of cognition and emotion which affects a person’s language, perception, thought and sense of self. The dopamine hypothesis states that schizophrenic’s neurones transmitting dopamine release the neurotransmitter too easily, leading to the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia. This hypothesisRead MoreTwo Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia Essay487 Words   |  2 PagesTwo Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia There are many biological explanations of schizophrenia. 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